Curriculum Overview
Year 7
- Autumn Term 1: Frankenstein
- Autumn Term 2: The Odyssey
- Spring Term 1: Voices in Conflict through Poetry
- Spring Term 2: The Art of Rhetoric
- Summer Term 1: The Tempest
- Summer Term 2: Gothic Literature
- Autumn Term 1: Place Value, Properties of Number
- Autumn Term 2: Arithmetic Procedure, Expressions and Equations
- Spring Term 1: Plotting Coordinates, Perimeter and Area
- Spring Term 2: Arithmetic Procedures (including directed number and fractions)
- Summer Term 1: Understanding multiplicative relationships: fractions and ratio
- Summer Term 2: Transformations
- Term 1: Cells and forces, Materials
- Term 2: Inheritance, substances and mixtures, organisation, Sound and light, solar system and beyond
- Term 3: Variation, atoms, elements and compounds, designing materials, health and disease, heating and cooling, earth's resources
- Autumn Term 1: How did early migration change Britain?
- Autumn Term 2: How did William the Conqueror consolidate power?
- Spring Term 1: How did power evolve in Mediaeval England
- Spring Term 2: How powerful were African Kingdoms?
- Summer Term 1: How did religion change in the Tudor period?
- Summer Term 2: How did the world 'open up' for the Tudors and Stuarts
- Autumn Term 1: Where is my place in the world?
- Autumn Term 2: Where is my place in the world? // How have the UK's landscapes formed?
- Spring Term 1: How have the Uk's landscapes formed? // Why do people visit the Lake District?
- Spring Term 2: Why do people visit the Lake District? // Are there enough resources to support the population?
- Summer Term 1: Are there enough resources to support the population? // What are the issues of climate change?
- Summer Term 2: What are the issues of climate change?
- Autumn Term 1: My life
- Autumn Term 2: My free time
- Spring Term 1: My school
- Spring Term 2: My family and friends
- Summer Term 1: My city
- Summer Term 2: Spanish festivals and culture
- Autumn Term 1: Marine Life
- Autumn Term 2: Marine Life
- Spring Term 1: Art History
- Spring Term 2: Symbolism
- Summer Term 1: Portraits
- Summer Term 2: Portraits
- Autumn Term 1: E-safety
- Autumn Term 2: Future Technology project
- Spring Term 1: Scratch programming
- Spring Term 2: Hardware/software/input/output
- Summer Term 1: Binary, flowcharts, computational thinking
- Summer Term 2: Data representation - images/spreadsheet skills
Design and Technology
Pupils will complete the following 5 rotations across the year in Design & Technology:
- Construction - Ball Bearing Game Project
- Design & Technology - 3D Printed Pencil Topper Project
- Graphic Design - Cultural Cookie Box Project
- Food Preparation & Cooking
- Food Science & Nutrition
- Autumn Term 1 and 2: Devising - The Haunted Lift
- Spring Term 1: Live Theatre Review - Shrek The Musical
- Spring Term 2: Devising - The Legend of the Sun God
- Summer Term1 and 2: Script work - The Terrible Fate of Humpty Dumpty
- Autumn Term 1 and 2: Melodies & Notation, Stomp & Samba
- Spring Term 1 and 2: Band Project 1, Melodies & Notation
- Summer Term 1 and 2: Stomp & Samba, Band Project 1
- Autumn Term 1: Leadership and OAA/ Invasion games/ HRF/ Net and wall
- Autumn Term 2: Leadership and OAA/ Invasion games/ HRF/ Net and wall
- Spring Term 1: Leadership and OAA/ Invasion games/ HRF/ Net and wall
- Spring Term 2: Leadership and OAA/ Invasion games/ HRF/ Net and wall
- Summer Term 1: Athletics
- Summer Term 2: Striking and Fielding
- Autumn Term 1: Relationships, identity, safety
- Autumn Term 2: Aspirations, self-esteem
- Spring Term 1: Healthy living and responsible, healthy choices
- Spring Term 2: Keeping safe online, being ethical customers
- Summer Term 1: Religion
- Summer Term 2: Savings, loans and finance
Religious Education
- Autumn Term: Symbolism
- Spring Term: Christianity
- Summer Term :Islam
Year 8
- Autumn Term 1: 21st Century Novel: Watcher in the Shadows
- Autumn Term 2: Of Mice and Men - struggle and power
- Spring Term 1: Comparison of 19th Century and 21st Century Fiction and Non-fiction
- Spring Term 2: Shakespeare and his Heroes
- Summer Term 1: Blood Brothers
- Summer Term 2: Identity and Culture: Understanding poetry through creative writing
- Autumn Term 1: Estimation and Rounding, Sequences
- Autumn Term 2: Graphical representations of linear relationships, Solving linear equations
- Spring Term 1: Understanding multiplicative relationships: percentages and proportionality
- Spring Term 2: Statistical representations, measures and analysis
- Summer Term 1: Perimeter, Area and Volume
- Summer Term 2: Geometrical properties (polygons), Constructions
- Term 1: Diet and exercise, solubility and chemical change, motion
- Term 2: Biochemistry, periodic table, how we see and make images, air pollution, space and beyond
- Term 3: Reproduction, evaporation and water cycle, energy and reactions, more about force, interdependence, simple electrical circuits, acids and alkalis, weathering and erosion
- Autumn Term 1: How did the Three Kingdoms turn upside down?
- Autumn Term 2: How revolutionary was the Age of Revolution?
- Spring Term 1: What part did Britain play in the Transatlantic Slave Trade?
- Spring Term 2: What impact did the British Empire have on its colonies?
- Summer Term 1: How was Britain revolutionised?
- Summer Term 2: How was Britain revolutionised?
- Autumn Term 1: Weather and Climate
- Autumn Term 2: Weather and Climate // How is the population changing?
- Spring Term 1: How is the population changing? // What ecosystems make up our planet?
- Spring Term 2: What ecosystems make up our planet? // How influential is the Middle East?
- Summer Term 1: How influential is the Middle East? // How hazardous is Earth?
- Summer Term 2: How hazardous is Earth?
- Autumn Term 1: Holidays
- Autumn Term 2: My life - entertainment
- Spring Term 1: Eating and drinking - speaking skills
- Spring Term 2: Special events
- Summer Term 1: Tourism
- Summer Term 2: Revision of key themes
- Autumn Term 1: Creepy Characters - Tim Burton
- Autumn Term 2: Creepy Characters-Tim Burton
- Spring Term 1: Art History
- Spring Term 2: Art History
- Summer Term 1: Objects and viewpoints
- Summer Term 2: Objects and Viewpoints
- Autumn Term 1: Computer systems
- Autumn Term 2: App Development
- Spring Term 1: HTML/Webdesign
- Spring Term 2: HTML Continued & Image representation
- Summer Term 1: Data Representation
- Summer Term 2: Python Programming
Design and Technology
Pupils will complete the following 3 rotations across the year in Design & Technology:
- Cooking & Nutrition
- Design & Technology - Memphis inspired Lamp project
- Graphic Design - Biomimicry inspired project
- Autumn Term 1 and 2: Devising - Darkwood Manor
- Spring Term 1: Live Theatre Review - Newsies
- Spring Term 2: Devising - The Mysterious Case of Joe
- Summer Term 1 and 2: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.
- Autumn Term 1 and 2: Chords and Songwriting
- Spring Term 1 and 2: Band Project 2, Film Music
- Summer Term 1 and 2: Film Music, Band Project 2
- Autumn Term 1: Leadership and OAA/ Invasion games/ HRF/ Net and wall
- Autumn Term 2: Leadership and OAA/ Invasion games/ HRF/ Net and wall
- Spring Term 1: Leadership and OAA/ Invasion games/ HRF/ Net and wall
- Spring Term 2: Leadership and OAA/ Invasion games/ HRF/ Net and wall
- Summer Term 1: Athletics
- Summer Term 2: Striking and Fielding
- Autumn Term 1: Goals, behaviour and emotions
- Autumn Term 2: Careers and finance
- Spring Term 1: Sex, relationships and conflict
- Spring Term 2: Discrimination, prejudice and challenges
- Summer Term 1: Religion
- Summer Term 2: Citizenship
Religious Education
- Autumn Term: Sikhism
- Spring Term: Judaism and Modern Leaders
- Summer Term: Evidence of God
Year 9
- Autumn Term 1: Lord of the Flies: Duality
- Autumn Term 2: Lord of the Flies: Duality
- Spring Term 1: Romantics and Revolution Poetry
- Spring Term 2: Using 19th Century and 21st Century fiction/non-fiction to inspire writing
- Summer Term 1: Romeo and Juliet - Destiny and fate
- Summer Term 2: Romeo and Juliet - Destiny and fate
- Autumn Term 1: Geometrical properties (similarity and Pythagoras' Thereom)
- Autumn Term 2: Probability
- Spring Term 1: Non-Linear Relationships, Expressions and Formulae
- Spring Term 2: Trigonometry
- Summer Term 1: Standard Form
- Summer Term 2: Graphical Representations
- Term 1: Infectious disease, more electrical circuits, waves, understanding chemical reactions, fuel and costs
- Term 2: Biodiversity and Human impact, rock changes, floating and sinking, adaptation and evolution, magnets and electromagnets
- Term 3: Cell biology, atomic structure and PT, energy of moving particles, inheritance and genome, bonding, measuring and calculating motion, interdependence and classification,
- Autumn Term 1: Why are there different interpretations of WW1?
- Autumn Term 2: How was America transformed in the 1920s?
- Spring Term 1: Why did peace not last in Europe?
- Spring Term 2: What was the Holocaust?
- Summer Term 1: How did the Cold War impact Berlin?
- Summer Term 2: How much progress was made in society post-WW2?
- Autumn Term 1: What is Russia's place in the world?
- Autumn Term 2: What is Russia's place in the world? // How has globalisation changed the world?
- Spring Term 1: How has globalisation changed the world? // What are the challenges and opportunities facing Africa?
- Spring Term 2: What are the challenges and opportunities facing Africa? // What is the Geography of Disease?
- Summer Term 1: What is the Geography of Disease? // How does geopolitics influence world affairs?
- Summer Term 2: How does geopolitics influence world affairs?
- Autumn Term 1: Likes and dislikes
- Autumn Term 2: Employment
- Spring Term 1: Staying healthy
- Spring Term 2: Youth issues and action
- Summer Term 1: Study of Madrid
- Summer Term 2: My city and environment
- Autumn Term 1: Insects
- Autumn Term 2: Insects
- Spring Term 1: Art History
- Spring Term 2: Image and Text
- Summer Term 1: Art of Anatomy
- Summer Term 2: Art of Anatomy
- Autumn Term 1: Cyber Security
- Autumn Term 2: Data Science
- Spring Term 1: Python Programming
- Spring Term 2: Python Programming
- Summer Term 1: Physical Computing
- Summer Term 2: AI and future computers
Design and Technology
Pupils will complete the following 3 rotations across the year in Design & Technology:
- Cooking & Nutrition
- Design & Technology - Architecture project
- Graphic Design - Movie Promotion Project
- Autumn Term 1 and 2: Script work - DNA
- Spring Term 1: Live Theatre Review - Hamilton
- Spring Term 2: Devising - County Lines
- Summer Term 1: Devising - Practitioners, Genres and Styles
- Summer Term 2: Devising from stimulus
- Autumn Term 1 and 2: Genre Focused Composition, Blues & Jazz
- Spring Term 1 and 2: Band Project 3, Genre Focused Composition
- Summer Term 1 and 2: Blues & Jazz, Band Project 3
- Autumn Term 1: Leadership and OAA/ Invasion games/ HRF/ Net and wall
- Autumn Term 2: Leadership and OAA/ Invasion games/ HRF/ Net and wall
- Spring Term 1: Leadership and OAA/ Invasion games/ HRF/ Net and wall
- Spring Term 2: Leadership and OAA/ Invasion games/ HRF/ Net and wall
- Summer Term 1: Athletics
- Summer Term 2: Striking and Fielding
- Autumn Term 1: Behaving to achieve
- Autumn Term 2: Careers and enterprise
- Spring Term 1: Health and personal safety
- Spring Term 2: Finance and careers
- Summer Term 1: Religion
- Summer Term 2: Citizenship
Religious Education
- Autumn Term: The Lesser of Two Evils
- Spring Term: Racism and Prejudice
- Summer Term: Justice and Forgiveness
Year 10
- Autumn Term 1: Power and Gender
- Autumn Term 2: A Christmas Carol/Creative writing
- Spring Term 1: Powerful voices: Analysing speech writing in preparation for GCSE Spoken Language
- Spring Term 2: An Inspector Calls, P2 Writing
- Summer Term 1: Macbeth: Power and Corruption
- Summer Term 2: Power and Conflict Anthology
- Autumn Term 1: Working with Number, Equations and Inequalities
- Autumn Term 2: Statistics, Ratio, Fractions, Percentages and Interest
- Spring Term 1: Angles, Bearings and Further Trigonometry, Sequences and Graphs
- Spring Term 2: Circles, Surface Area and Volume
- Summer Term 1: Standard Form
- Summer Term 2: Graphical Representations
- Term 1: Cell transport, energy of moving objects, crude oil, human systems, quantitative chemistry, circuit calculations, co-ordination and control, material properties
- Term 2: Human lifestyles and health, rates of reaction and catalysts, measuring waves, growth and development, particle explanation, more infectious diseases
- Term 3: Bioenergetics, acids, bases and ions, forces make things change, sexual and asexual reproduction, electrolysis, circuit components, energy changes
- Autumn Term 1: Historic Environment Study: Whitechapel 1888
- Autumn Term 2: Crime and Punishment
- Spring Term 1: Crime and Punishment
- Spring Term 2: Early Elizabethan England
- Summer Term 1: Early Elizabethan England
- Summer Term 2: Weimar Germany
- Autumn Term 1: Resource management
- Autumn Term 2: Climate change
- Spring Term 1: The development gap/ Changing UK economy
- Spring Term 2: River landscapes
- Summer Term 1: UK urban change
- Summer Term 2: Coastal landscapes/ fieldwork
- Autumn Term 1: Holidays
- Autumn Term 2: My life and my school
- Spring Term 1: People
- Spring Term 2: Interests and influences
- Summer Term 1: Cities - comparison
- Summer Term 2: Spanish customs and traditions
- Autumn Term 1: 'Close up' project
- Autumn Term 2: 'Close up' project
- Spring Term 1: 'Close up' project
- Spring Term 2: 'Close up' project
- Summer Term 1: Pop Art
- Summer Term 2: Pop Art
- Autumn Term 1: Computational thinking, python programming, hardware and software
- Autumn Term 2: Binary and data representation, programming project
- Spring Term 1: Networks, structure and protocols of the Internet, programming project
- Spring Term 2: Cyber and network security, encryption and compression
- Summer Term 1: Hardware, Von Neumann, embedded and operating systems, storage, memory and file sizes
- Summer Term 2: Software - utility vs. application, programme testing, robustness and hacking
Design and Technology
- Autumn Term 1: Manufactured Timbers & Scales of Production
- Autumn Term 2: Electronic Systems and Programmable Components
- Spring Term 1: Natural Timbers
- Spring Term 2: Thermosetting & Thermoforming Polymers, CAD/CAM, Ferrous & Non-Ferrous Metals
- Summer Term 1: Mechanical Components & Devices, Paper & Board and Modelling
- Summer Term 2: Non-Exam Assessment (NEA) Externally set brief
- Autumn Term 1: Lizzie Borden
- Autumn Term 2: Theatre roles and responsibilities and set text - Blood Brothers
- Spring Term 1: Styles/Genres/Practitioners
- Spring Term 2: NEA Component 2 Devising
- Summer Term 1: NEA Component 2 Devising
- Summer Term 2: Live Theatre Review - Billy Elliott
- Autumn Term 1: Music Theory: Genres
- Autumn Term 2: Performance & Composition: Genres
- Spring Term 1: Component 1: PSA
- Spring Term 2: Component 1: PSA
- Summer Term 1: Professional Skills
- Summer Term 2: Performance and Composition Audit & Skills Development
- Autumn Term 1: Methods to support improvement in sporting activities / Musculoskeletal system
- Autumn Term 2: Methods to support improvement in sporting activities / Cardio respiratory system
- Spring Term 1: Sports leadership / Planes, levers and axes. Health and Fitness
- Spring Term 2: Sports leadership / Health and Fitness
- Summer Term 1: Sports leadership / PEP
- Summer Term 2: Sports Leadership / Physical training and the effects of exercise
- Autumn Term 1: Dynamic nature of business, spotting a business opportunity, putting business idea into practice
- Autumn Term 2: Putting business idea into practice, making the business effective
- Spring Term 1: Understanding external influences on business, growth, change and globalisation
- Spring Term 2: Globalisation, ethics, product life cycle, price, promotion, place, marketing mix, suppliers, quality
- Summer Term 1: Quality management, sales process, business calculations, performance, organisation, recruitment, training
- Summer Term 2: Business opportunity/challenge
Graphic Design
- Autumn Term 1: The Components of Graphic Design
- Autumn Term 2: The Components of Graphic Design
- Spring Term 1: Graphic Design Production & Work of Graphic Designers
- Spring Term 2: Work of Graphic Designers & Requirements of a Graphic Design Brief
- Summer Term 1: Mock Non-Exam Assessment (NEA)
- Summer Term 2: Mock Non-Exam Assessment (NEA)
Health and Social Care
- Autumn Term 1: Human lifespan development
- Autumn Term 2: Human lifespan development
- Spring Term 1: Human lifespan development (PSA)
- Spring Term 2: Human lifespan development (PSA)
- Summer Term 1: Health and social care values and services
- Summer Term 2: Health and social care values and services
Hospitality and Catering
- Autumn Term 1: Know how food can cause ill health
- Autumn Term 2: Understand the environment in which hospitality and catering providers operate
- Spring Term 1: Understand how hospitality and catering provision meets health and safety requirements.
- Spring Term 2: Understand how hospitality and catering provision operates.
- Summer Term 1: Be able to propose a hospitality and catering provision to meet specific requirements.
- Summer Term 2: General revision and Exam Technique
- Autumn Term 1: Pre-production skills, Client, Audience, Brief breakdown and key documentation
- Autumn Term 2: Digital Graphics Coursework Unit
- Spring Term 1: Digital Graphics Coursework Unit
- Spring Term 2: Web Design Unit
- Summer Term 1: Web Design Unit
- Summer Term 2: Unit 3
- Autumn Term 1: Understanding different types of construction, sustainable construction practices. Introduction to woodwork - joinery skills.
- Autumn Term 2: Understand the performance requirements for low-rise construction. Intermediate joinery skills - Mortise and Tenon, Bridle, Corner Bridle
- Spring Term 1: Performance requirements for low-rise construction, British Standards and National Building Specification. Intermediate joinery skills. Mock Assessment. Start Component 2 Assessment.
- Spring Term 2: Understanding common structural forms. Component 2 final assessment. Developing joinery skills in line with Pearson Set Assignment
- Summer Term 1: Explore how sub-structures are constructed and Pre-Construction work. Introduction to Component 3 - Developing technical drawing skills in response to a client brief.
- Summer Term 2: Explore how super-structures are constructed. Understanding the wider Construction Industry and the Built Environment. Developing technical drawing skills in response to a client brief.
- Autumn Term 1: The living world
- Autumn Term 2: The living world
- Spring Term 1: Sustained project - Making of Final Piece
- Spring Term 2: Sustained project - Making of Final Piece
- Summer Term 1: Art of Anatomy
- Summer Term 2: Body adornment
- Autumn Term 1: Mental health and wellbeing
- Autumn Term 2: Careers and employability
- Spring Term 1: Same-sex relationships, gender, community, sexism, parenting
- Spring Term 2: Criminal justice system, anti-social behaviour, county lines
- Summer Term 1: Staying focused, sleep, risk taking, gambling, digital footprints, personal safety
- Summer Term 2: Study and revision skills, University, independent living
Year 11
- Autumn Term 1: English Language P1 Knowledge
- Autumn Term 2: English Language P2 Knowledge
- Spring Term 1: English P1 Question by Question
- Spring Term 2: English P2 Question by Question
- Summer Term 1: Revision Weakest questions practised
- Summer Term 2: Revision Weakest questions practised
- Autumn Term 1: Algebra, FDP, Shape 1, Number 1
- Autumn Term 2: Graphs, ratio and proportion, shape 2
- Spring Term 1: Statistics, probability, algebra 2, transformations and constructions
- Spring Term 2: Vectors, algebra 3
- Summer Term 1: Similarity, kinematics, equations of circles
- Summer Term 2: Revision
- Term 1: Human impact, chemical analysis, nuclear physics, maintaining health, atmosphere, electromagnetism
- Term 2: Explaining evolution, chemical equilibrium, electromagnetic waves, sustainability, mains electric
- Term 3: Revision
- Autumn Term 1: Nazi Germany
- Autumn Term 2: Nazi Germany
- Spring Term 1: Cold War
- Spring Term 2: Cold War
- Summer Term 1: Revision
- Summer Term 2: Revision
- Autumn Term 1: The Living world: Tropical rainforests
- Autumn Term 2: The urban world: Lagos
- Spring Term 1: Weather hazards/ Changing economic world : Nigeria
- Spring Term 2: Tectonics/ The living world: Hot deserts
- Summer Term 1: Revision/ Pre release materials
- Summer Term 2: Revision
- Autumn Term 1: My life and school
- Autumn Term 2: Employment and aspirations
- Spring Term 1: Revision
- Spring Term 2: Revision
- Summer Term 1: Revision
- Summer Term 2: Revision
- Autumn Term 1: Pop Art
- Autumn Term 2: One to one - Exploration of an individual
- Spring Term 1: External assignment
- Spring Term 2: External assignment
- Summer Term 1: One to one - Exploration of an individual
- Autumn Term 1: Issues and impact (environmental, ethical, legal), translators, binary
- Autumn Term 2: Programming (truth tables, logic statements) project design
- Spring Term 1: Searching and sorting algorithms, AI and machine learning, future internet
- Spring Term 2: Revision
- Summer Term 1: Revision
- Summer Term 2: Revision
Design and Technology
- Autumn Term 1: Planning, Development & Experimentation
- Autumn Term 2: Non-Exam Assessment (NEA) Generating and developing design ideas
- Spring Term 1: Non-Exam Assessment (NEA) Manufacturing a prototype & Analysing and evaluating deisgn decisions and prototypes
- Spring Term 2: Exam Revision
- Summer Term 1: Exam Revision
- Summer Term 2: Exam Revision
- Autumn Term 1: Component 1 - Theatre roles and responsibilities, Set text and Live Theatre Review
- Autumn Term 2: Component 3 - Texts in Practice
- Spring Term 1: Component 3 - Texts in Practice
- Spring Term 2: Component 1 - Theatre roles and responsibilities, Set text and Live Theatre Review
- Summer Term 1 and 2: Theatre roles and responsibilities, Set text and Live Theatre Review
- Autumn Term 1: Component 2: PSA
- Autumn Term 2: Component 2: PSA
- Spring Term 1: Component 3 Prep
- Spring Term 2: Component 3: External Assessment
- Summer Term 1: Component 3: External Assessment
- Summer Term 2: Study Leave
- Autumn Term 1: Contemporary issues in sport and developing knowledge and skills in outdoor activities / Healthy Active Lifestyles
- Autumn Term 2: Contemporary issues in sport and developing knowledge and skills in outdoor activities / Skill classification and goal setting
- Spring Term 1: Contemporary issues in sport and developing knowledge and skills in outdoor activities / Socio-cultural issues in sport.
- Spring Term 2: Contemporary issues in sport and developing knowledge and skills in outdoor activities / Socio-cultural issues in sport
Graphic Design
- Autumn Term 1: Non-Exam Assessment (NEA) Externally set brief
- Autumn Term 2: Non-Exam Assessment (NEA) Externally set brief
- Spring Term 1: Non-Exam Assessment (NEA) Externally set brief
- Spring Term 2: Design, Present and Promote Graphic Design Work, Exam Revision
- Summer Term 1: Exam Revision
Health and Social Care
- Autumn Term 1: Health and social care values and services
- Autumn Term 2: Health and social care values and services (PSA)
- Spring Term 1: Health and wellbeing
- Spring Term 2: Exam technique
Hospitality and Catering
- Autumn Term 1: Understand the importance of nutrition when planning meals, Understand menu planning, be able to cook dishes.
- Autumn Term 2: Understand the importance of nutrition when planning meals, Understand menu planning, be able to cook dishes.
- Spring Term 1: Be able to cook dishes
- Spring Term 2: Revision
- Autumn Term 1: Unit 3, coursework catch up
- Autumn Term 2: Pre-Production Revision
- Spring Term 1: Coursework Catchup - Improve any unit
- Spring Term 2: Coursework Catchup - Improve any unit
- Summer Term 1: Revision
- Autumn Term 1: PSA Component 3: Technical drawing and building design in response to a client brief. Revision A1: Low rise construction requirements
- Autumn Term 2: PSA Component 3: Technical drawing and building design in response to a client brief. Revision A2: Sustainability
- Spring Term 1: Revision A3: Common structural forms B1: Pre-construction work, B2: Sub-structure groundworks. Career paths in the construction industry.
- Spring Term 2: Revision C1: Walls, C2: Floors, C3: Roofs D1: The type of work in the construction industry, D2: The built environment. Developing exam techniques.
- Summer Term 1: Revision of all topics. Developing exam technique.
- Autumn Term 1: Art of Anatomy
- Autumn Term 2: Art of Anatomy
- Autumn Term 1: Study and revision skills, University, independent living
- Autumn Term 2: Study and revision skills, University, independent living
- Spring Term 1: Careers and employability
- Spring Term 2: Careers and employability